What is the definition of ‘insanity’?

Forget about the definition of insanity, why not try our preferred Definition of marketing; ‘To sell more stuff, at higher prices, to more people, more often.’
How to be integrated with your audience in our increasingly detached and easily distracted world…
Brands want to stand out. But at work and home, we’re overwhelmed with content, which puts brands and marketing spend under pressure to perform.
If you aren’t careful, you can easily spread your marketing too thin. You’re looking for that perfect integration, so you generate awareness, create interest and compel decision-makers to take action rather than getting lost in all the noise.
To do this you need to stand out in all the right places – but how?
We’ve evolved an approach that helps companies develop successful brands, grow their business and thrive in these conditions.
We simply:
Explore – your difference, your brand and your audiences
Create – simple messages and standout ways to tell your story and shine in a crowded marketplace
Deliver – integrated, trackable campaigns that we measure and fine-tune
This focuses and steers your marketing activity, making brand experiences engaging and delivers successful results.
If you want effective integrated marketing, talk to the Definition team… it would be the definition of insanity if you didn’t!