Bespoke brand identity illustrations stand out

The Definition team created a unique challenger brand for a B2B client; Unleash & Engage. This client wanted to stand out in a very crowded market and compete with some of the largest consultancies in the world. An important part of this vibrant challenger brand was to look dramatically different from their competitors whilst communicating their values around people and employee engagement. Therefore a key part of the B2B brand identity included a visual style for brand imagery using bespoke illustrations.
As the brand and service offer has developed the Definition creative designers have been asked to create a new bespoke images to be used across a wider range of B2B marketing and business development activities, particularly for use in social media and to update a new website.
Each bespoke illustration follows a very detailed brief to convey really important messages to niche target audiences and customer personas. Each illustration was designed using the illustration style that we had created for the brand imagery of this client, and includes a lot of detail in order to get across distinct messages.
It’s great to see how this creative brand style has really helped the client to stand out as a medium-sized organisation competing with the top management consultancies globally.