A brand and website transformation delivers!

As part of a consistent marketing and business development plan for a long-standing client we scheduled in ta refresh of their brand.

The brand refresh saw the modernisation of their brand logo and brand identity, bringing it up to date to reflect the company they are today. Implementing the new brand across all marketing collateral and then designing a new website that not only showcases the new brand but also increases their web presence, conveys all of their services, USP’s and how they deliver benefits for each of their different target audiences.

As businesses grow and develop new products and services, their offer changes. Just as technology moves on and new features and functionality can be used to generate results. Therefore it’s really important that ongoing marketing and business development plans schedule for brand refreshes and web updates as this helps keep growth on track and when planned well in advance these projects can be implemented without disruption to ongoing marketing and business development activity.

The client loves the brand refresh and new user-friendly website which help their wide range of clients and target prospects to obtain useful and technical information.

Contact Definition today for help with working on your brand.


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