Back to school for marketing…not just for kids!

With the advent of September, it’s time for parents with school-age children to get back into the term-time routine. With everyone back from their breaks, this time of year is ideal to pick up speed and generate some real momentum before Christmas. But do you need to go “Back to school” for your marketing?
But before hitting the ‘auto-pilot’ button and heading into autumn, perhaps we too need to consider doing some learning of our own. We’re all so busy chasing our tails and trying to keep on top of current workloads, that we don’t always set aside enough time to look at how effective our efforts have been in the year to date.
This is particularly important when it comes to your marketing and communications activities.
You may think that investing time and money on marketing communications is the end of the story; box ticked, job done. But if you fail to investigate and analyse what’s working and what isn’t proving so successful, you’re unlikely to be getting the best return.
Having the discipline to assess the success of your marketing and communications activity can be quite difficult for a number of reasons. Perhaps you’re someone who prefers to look forward rather than back, or maybe the mechanisms required to accurately track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns haven’t been properly put in place.
Definition Consulting can work with you to undertake a thorough review and help to drill down into the effectiveness of each activity and campaign. It isn’t about finding fault with what has been done, it’s about helping to identify the areas that are performing well for you, paving the way for you to do more of the same. Once we’ve looked at what is and what isn’t working, we can help you to put together a plan.
As the start of the new academic year, September is the ideal time to take stock – look back at what your plans for the year were, set the marker of where you’re up to, and look at how you can pick up pace or stay on track to ensure you achieve your goals. There’s no doubt that the right marketing and communications activity can help you do just that.
For an informal chat about your marketing and communications activities or to speak to us about undertaking a thorough review of your current activities, please get in touch.